Wine and Food


It's been quite a while since the last blog what with the summer holidays and various other things going on but Alistair and I did manage to squeeze in a lovely little trip to Beaune recently as part of our investments in the French vineyards with GFV Saint Vincent.


We checked in to an amazing boutique hotel in the countryside and then went to meet the other investors at Veuve Ambal where some of them had been visiting the factory. There were about 90 people in all and the plan was to exchange wines. As a result of our investments, we receive bottles of wine from the Chateaux. A points system was applied to value the different bottles and everyone was encouraged to exchange wines to enable us to taste some of the wines from where we didn't have investments. It was a lot of fun and over in a very short time!! We managed to exchange all the wine we had gone with (mostly Médoc and Champagne) and came away with several bottles of white Burgundy and some other Médoc wines. 


After all that excitement, it was back to the hotel to freshen up before the gala dinner. This was truly delicious and we were able to meet other investors of other vineyards. It was a very interesting evening chatting with like-minded people who enjoy good food and good wine. We missed the first couple of these events but will definitely be attending next year!!

