The entire Heliconia Caribea team wishes you a safe Christmas and New Year's Eve

We hope that you will stay safe and protect your loved ones during the end of this complicated year.

During 2020, many of our activities like our restaurants such as the Kome in Willemstad , Curaçao, and the Igloo, in Sallen, France, had to compose with the actual pandemic and craziness invading the world. Proposing take away solutions to our customers concerning the restaurants, we still managed to keep up and face the situation. Arakele, our sewing school in Addis-Ababa, the Ethiopian capital, got to teach students to produce scarf-masks, a brilliant innovation to adapt the style to the situation.

Other activities such as Alpasion got excellent rewards during the year, such as our Grand Cabernet Franc that won 3 medals at the London Wine competition, and also the Inga foundation that got rewarded at the World Economic Forum in October. Due to the pandemic and the constant need of medical workers, Altrix has been going through a flourishing year and helped many to find jobs in hospitals close to their location, permitting nurses to enter in action and save many.

Beside this, Heliconia Caribea also evolved, recruiting two employees to help us on the various projects in our office located in Nonant, France. In 2021, the five of us will work on the projects to make them reach a whole new step. Please follow us on our socials to get all the latest information and to be the first to discover what will happen in 2021:





We wish you all, in the name of our entire team, to spend a safe but comforting Christmas and New Year’s Eve.